Breakdown & towing service

We have a breakdown service on site at all times. In the event of a breakdown, simply speak to our staff.

The following tips can prevent breakdowns, accidents and co. or simplify the repair:

- Car keys often get lost during the festival. The ÖAMTC recommends that you take a spare key with you. However, this should not be left in the car, but handed to a fellow passenger.

- There are often keys that look the same or similar in the "Lost & Found" area at the bandstand. However, as you have to identify your key exactly, you should attach an "unmistakable tag" to it.

- Reduce energy consumption! Several days at a festival can put a strain on the car battery. Energy consumers such as the radio, air conditioning, electric coolers and lights should be kept to a minimum.

- Leave enough space for parking!

- Parking is handled at a brisk pace by the parking attendants. However, this should not be a reason to rush excessively. Leaving enough distance reduces the likelihood of parking damage and problems when pulling out.

- You should fold in both side mirrors after parking the vehicle. This makes it easier for emergency vehicles and others to get through and prevents possible damage.

If you still need the service, it is best to open the hood of your car - this makes it easier to identify your car!

If you block an escape route with your car, your car will be towed away immediately for a fee.