
Whether you are traveling by bus, train, plane or car, you can find all the important information here.

Itzehoe shuttle service:
You can take our shuttle bus from Itzehoe station to the festival and back. Here you can find the shuttle schedules.

There is an additional transfer for Moshtel guests:
Great that you have decided to travel by public transport!
Due to the relocation of the bus station, you will arrive on the eastern side of the site, unlike in previous years. So that you don't have to walk across the entire site, there will be a transfer to the old bus station. To use this, simply register at the info point at the bus site. As soon as a bus is free, you will be taken to the old bus site. The shuttle is free of charge, just keep your Itzehoe - Wacken ticket.

Shuttle Service Hamburg and Berlin:
Our travel partner Mondial Events is offering the possibility of a bus-shuttle, going from Berlin and Hamburg straight to the festival area. You can find detailed information here.